
  • 释义
  • v.


  • n.


  • let
  • let
  • letting
  • lets
  • 词义辨析
  • let us, let's
  • let us常缩写为let's,它们之间的区别是:
    1.let us可包括也可不包括说话的对象,即“让我〔咱〕们一起…”;let's则包括说话的对象在内,即“让咱们一起…”。
    2.let us通常用在正式的场合,而let's则多出现在口语等非正式的场合。
    3.let's的否定形式在美式英语中多用let's not,在英式英语中多用don't let's;let us的否定式在不包括对象在内时用don't let's;在包括对象在内时可用don't let us,也可用let us not。
    4.let's在表示“提议”(说话人与听话人共同做某事)时,常跟shall we连用,以使语气比较婉转、客气;let us(不包括对方)在表示“请求”允许“说话人自己做某事”时,常跟will you连用,以使语气更加婉转、缓和。例如:
    Let's start early, shall we?让我们早点出发,好吗?
    Please let us go, will you?请让我们走,好不好?
  • let, let out
  • 这两者都可作“出租”解,但其对象有差别:前者主要指房屋,后者主要指车马。
  • let alone, leave alone
  • 这两个短语一般来说意思相同,可以互换。例如:
    Leave〔let〕 that bag alone.It's not yours!别动那个包,那不是你的!
    1.作“不理〔管〕而听其自然”“不烦扰”解时,多用leave alone; 作“不干涉”解时,多用let alone; 作“更不用说”解时, let alone比leave alone更正式。
    2.leave alone可用于被动结构; 而let alone不常用于被动结构。
  • let sb go, let oneself go
  • 这两个短语含义不同:前者译为“让某人走”或“解雇某人”;后者则指人通过言行尽情“发泄自己的感情或欲望”。例如:
    The boss let his secretary go.老板把他的秘书解雇了。
    The manager worked hard all week, but on Saturday night he went to countryside and let himself go.经理整周辛苦工作,周六晚上就去乡下轻松一下。
  • let go, leave go
  • 这两个短语都是“松手,放开”的意思。它们的区别在于:
    1.let go后可直接接宾语,也可接of再加宾语;而leave go后必须接of再加宾语。
    2.let go可用于被动结构,而leave go一般不用于被动结构。
  • let, admit, allow, permit
  • 1.admit指“允许某人进入”某场地,或加入某组织,含有勉强的意味。例如:
    She opened the door reluctantly to admit the unwelcome visitor.她很不情愿地把门打开,让不受欢迎的客人进去了。
    Jack was admitted to the hospital to have his tumour removed.医生收杰克住院切除肿瘤。
    allow指“允许某人做…”,给予客体执行某任务的权力,或同意某人的要求,和permit同义。它们在许多场合中可以通用。不过两者的意思也有细微差别, allow的意思是“允许”,表示主体有权不阻止、不妨碍或默许某事进行的意思。例如:
    Playing ball is not allowed in the park.公园内不许打球。
    Parking is not allowed here.此处不准停车。
    Time does not permit me to stay longer.时间不容许我在这里多留一会。
    Tom's parents will not let him swim in the lake.汤姆的父母不让他在湖里游泳。
    2.permit 后可接不定式和动名词,但不可接名词从句; let不用动名词作宾语,其宾语后接动词原形。
    Allow me to〔Let me〕 thank you on behalf of our factory.请允许我代表全厂职工向你致谢。
    The facts permit no other explanations.这些事实不容许作其他解释。
    let 是口头语。例如:
    We won't let such a thing happen again.我们绝不允许再发生这样的事。
  • let, hire, rent
  • 这组词共同的意思是“租”“租用”“雇用”。它们的区别是:
    1.就租进、租出来说, let是租出, rent和hire则既可以是租进,也可以是租出。例如:
    Will you rent me your boat for the weekend?小船租给我度周末好吗?
    The house lets for 80 yuan a month.这房子出租,租金一个月80元。
    2.就租期长短来说, hire强调临时性, let强调长期性,而rent既可以是长期的,也可以是临时的。例如:
    During the holidays we hired a boat and went fishing.假期我们租了一条船去钓鱼。
    We're hoping to let this field.我们希望把这块地租出去。
    She rents out rooms to students.她把房间出租给学生。
    3.就宾语来说, hire多用于对人的雇用, let和rent则着重于租物。例如:
    The store hired two clerks for the sale.这家商店为了这次廉价销售雇了两名店员。
    The farmers near cities are working part of their land themselves and are letting the rest.城区附近的农民自己耕种一部分土地,出租其余的部分。
    He rented a colour TV soon after moving in.搬进后不久他就租了一台彩色电视机。
    4.hire在表示租某物时,在英国,一般指租汽车、船只等; let指出租房屋、地产; rent在英式英语中指较长时间租入或租出房屋、商店或土地,在美式英语中可指长时间或短时间租用各类资本或日用品,这一意义现已影响到英国。例如:
    Why don't you hire out your car to your neighbours while you're away, and earn some money?你不在家时为何不将你的汽车租给你的邻居,挣点钱呢?
    I asked her if she had any room to let.我问她有没有房间出租。
    I'm thinking of renting out my house while I'm away.我正在考虑在我离家期间把房子租出去。
  • 下面两个句子意思不同:
  • Let me know when you are back.
    Let me know when you'll be back.
  • allow,let,permit,leave,authorize
  • 这些动词都含“让、允许”之意。
  • allow,let
  • 二者都可作“允许”解,但各有侧重:
    allow重在“允许”或“容许”,也可表示客气的请求,常用于allow sb.to do sth.或allow doing sth.结构中。
  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Imes, just let your hair down and tell me all about it.

    艾姆斯, 把全部内容都坦率地说出来吧.

  • 2、

    When his father refused to let him have his own way, the child played his trump card by crying.

    看到爸爸没有如自己的意, 那孩子便使出绝招,哇的一声哭了起来.

  • 3、

    Let him disenslave himself from the pelf of the world.


  • 4、

    Let x be the equal of y.


  • 5、

    When he was with her, his nerve never let up.

    和她在一起, 他总是感到很激动.

  • 6、

    Let me read that over. I must have mistaken the name.

    让我再读一遍, 我准是把名字搞错了.

  • 7、

    Let it cool off before you eat it.


  • 8、

    Open the curtains to let some light through the window.


  • 9、

    The doctors decided that a rubber pipe would have to be let in to enable him to breathe.


  • 10、

    The teacher showed us how to cut out part of the surface of the wood and let a pattern in.


  • 11、

    Those who let themselves be guided by the current course of events are real heroes.


  • 12、

    Wait a moment, let me give you a demonstration.

    且慢, 先让我做一下示范.

  • 13、

    Let him say what he likes.


  • 14、

    I flattened myself against the wall to let them pass.


  • 15、

    The leading player is ill. Let his understudy to appear on the scene.

    主角演员病了, 让他的替角出场.

  • 16、

    He is a bit let down by the low grade he got.


  • 17、

    She let slip that she had not paid her tax.


  • 18、

    That's enough. Let it go at that.

    得了, 别再说了.

  • 19、

    My guess is that he didn't come because his parents wouldn't let him come.


  • 20、

    Don't ever let on to know me.


  • 21、

    Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom.


  • 22、

    Let me walk with you part of the way.


  • 23、

    Don't let the fire out, will you ?

    别让火熄灭, 好 吗 ?

  • 24、

    Let us finalize tonight.


  • 25、

    I'm so sick today that I couldn't walk as far as the kitchen, let alone go to the zoo with you.

    我今天病得连厨房那么远都走不动, 更不用说陪你逛动物园了.

  • 26、

    She's too obstinate to let anyone help her.


  • 27、

    Let her do as she pleases.


  • 28、

    The student's here; shall I let him up?

    那个学生来了, 我让他上楼 吗 ?

  • 29、

    This time we have let him off lightly.

