
  • 释义
  • 猎鹰;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Space Falcon Commander is a classic arcade shootem up game.


  • 2、

    Like its General Motors rival, the Commodore, the 4.0 L Falcon retains rear wheel drive.

    象它的通用汽车公司敌手, Holden代将, 4.0升猎鹰保留后轮驱动.

  • 3、

    Although it a member of the falcon family, the caracara looks little like a true falcon.

    尽管它属于猎鹰属, 但看起来一点都不象一直真正的猎鹰.

  • 4、

    The falcon cannot hear the falconer.


  • 5、

    I was the falcon and the child and the saint.


  • 6、

    The first launch of Falcon 9 could change the course of human space flight.


  • 7、

    The shooting of The Maltese Falcon proceeded without a hitch.


  • 8、

    The tribes like to falcon in the desert.


  • 9、

    This the car a and put in the category of the Falcon and the Mustang.


  • 10、

    We're not interested in the hyperdrive on the Millennium Falcon.


  • 11、

    The Comet, for example, was really only a fancy Falcon.

    例如, 慧星型车实际上不过是一部花哨的猎鹰车而已.

  • 12、

    The falcon flew down and asked how he could be of help.


  • 13、

    However , the little falcon had already died of suffocation.

    一看, 小鹰已闷死了.

  • 14、

    Tens of millions of dollars in Flag Telcom's Falcon Cable System.


  • 15、

    Fast ship? You've never heard of the Millennium Falcon?

    快船 ﹖ 你们没听过千年鹰 吗 !

  • 16、

    As we processed this information, we began to look at the sales figures from the Falcon.

    在整理这些信息的过程中, 我们开始研究猎鹰车的销售数据.

  • 17、

    The falcon cut Pinocchio loose.


  • 18、

    Soaring Spirit: A falcon familiar has a range limit of 40 squares from you.

    不羁之魂: 你和猎鹰之间的最大距离是40格.

  • 19、

    The falcon was twice his size with pouted feathers.


  • 20、

    In June 1910, Robert Falcon Scott set out from Britain to conquer the South Pole.

    一九一零年六月, 劳勃.费尔肯.史考特从英国出发要征服南极.

  • 21、

    No, l need you to talk to the Falcon , find out what's wrong with the hyperdrive.

    不用, 我要你去跟我的船谈谈, 问问超光速怎么了?

  • 22、

    Or perhaps when you whistle, your falcon familiar flies down an unseen height.

    又或当你吹吹口哨, 你的猎鹰就从不可见的高空展翅而下.

  • 23、

    International Falcon Movement ( Socialist Educational International )

    国际鹰社 ( 社会主义教育国际协会 ) (鹰社)

  • 24、

    The little Falcon was storming.


  • 25、

    Lorimar: The Waltons, Eight Is Enough, Skag, Knots Landing, Dallas, Falcon Crest.

    洛利玛影艺公司: 《沃尔顿一家》 、 《8个就够了》 、 《海洛因》、《绳结登陆》 、 《达拉斯》 、 《鹰冠庄园》.

  • 26、

    Each of these missiles boasted a hyperdive that rivaled that of Millennium Falcon.


  • 27、

    Do you know how a falcon is trained my dear?

    你知道游隼是如何训练出来的 吗 ?
