猎鹰( falcon的名词复数 );
Earlier in the year, these two falcons had been spotted building a nest atop Chimney Rock.
年初的时候, 有人发现这两只游隼在烟囱岩上筑了巢.
——期刊摘选Peregrine falcons usually pluck the feathers and strip the flesh off their bird prey.
《简明英汉词典》Falcons, found worldwide, commonly nest in tree holes or cliff ledges.
隼遍布全球, 营巢于树洞内和悬崖的突出部.
互联网By the time I arrived in early June, the falcons had hatched four eggs.
6月初我到达此地时, 这对游隼已经孵化了4只鸟蛋.
互联网Those falcons will think twice before they mess with us.
电影对白Hawks or Falcons Bells - One who feared not to signal his approach in either peace or war.
驯鹰铃 - 勇于决策选择战争还是和平,有果断心的人.
互联网Since the falcons are trained to only target the lure, they won't attack the other birds.
这些猎鹰都经过训练,只会向训练中的诱饵发起攻击, 而不会伤害其他鸟类.
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