
  • 释义
  • 乌贼,墨鱼;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Shrimp, octopus, clam, cuttlefish and crabmeat cooked with tomato sauce and Black Forest apple tea.

    虾仁 、 章鱼 、 蛤 、 花枝、蟹肉,佐茄汁与黑森林苹果茶.

  • 2、

    The cuttlefish escaped by beclouding the water with an inky discharge.


  • 3、

    The ink of cuttlefish beclouded the water.


  • 4、

    In fact, cuttlefish hurt very serious.

    事实上, 文花枝伤得非常严重.

  • 5、

    The cuttlefish has three hearts.


  • 6、

    Ingredients: Crap Fish , Prawns, Mussels , Mixed Ball , Sliced Chicken, Bacon & Cuttlefish.

    配料: 生鱼片 、 中虾 、 青口 、 双丸、鸡片 、 烟肉卷、鲜鱿.

  • 7、

    Remove cuttlefish when cooled, slice and serve with the sauce.

    墨鱼熟后, 取出切件,淋上芡汁,趁热品尝.

  • 8、

    Seafood With Frozen, That Are Including Cuttlefish, Squid, Clam Meat, Shrimp, Frozen Fresh Water Grouper Seafood.

    采购产品海鲜与冻结, 即是包括乌贼, 鱿鱼, 文蛤肉, 虾, 冷冻淡水石斑鱼海鲜.

  • 9、

    Extensive use of side dishes of rice, with meat, oysters, cuttlefish, frog, mushrooms and so on.

    配菜广泛使用大米, 配以肉 、 牡蛎 、 乌贼、田鸡 、 蘑菇等.

  • 10、

    The cuttlefish spurts out dark ink when it is in danger.


  • 11、

    I have no idea about how to prepare those cuttlefish and lobsters.


  • 12、

    The hallow tomato stuffed with mango paste, cuttlefish, shrimp, crabmeat, octopus, and fish slices.

    蕃茄肉身崁入芒果泥和海鲜馅, 包括花枝 、 虾仁 、 蟹肉 、 章鱼 、 鱼片.

  • 13、

    I've got a special recipe to cook cuttlefish; I'll teach you later.

    我有一个煮乌贼的特别烹饪法, 我待会儿教你.

  • 14、

    Still feel in cuttlefish great dallis with seabird during, mew dives and fall, hold fish readily.

    还在乌贼觉得得意地玩弄海鸟之际, 海鸥俯冲而下, 一口把乌贼叼走了.

  • 15、

    Combine the seasonings, cuttlefish paste and mixed vegetables. Stir well. Refrigerate for 30 minutes.

    把墨鱼胶加入调味料, 放入杂菜粒, 拌匀置冰箱中雪30分钟.

  • 16、

    Clean and rinse cuttlefish, wipe dry; rub with ginger wine and set aside for a while.

    墨鱼清洗乾净后抺乾, 用姜汁酒搽匀腌片刻.

  • 17、

    Finally, because the precious time delay treatment, cuttlefish had to do a leg high amputation.

    最后, 由于延误了宝贵的救治时间, 文花枝不得不做了左腿高位截肢手术.

  • 18、

    Scallop to be baked with shrimp, cuttlefish, clam, mushroom, lemon juice , and Parmesan cheese.

    以大片扇贝为底,焗虾仁 、 枝 、 、 菇 、 葱、橙柠檬汁 、 酒为酱.

  • 19、

    The fried cuttlefish mix with the salted egg make a very different and delicious taste.


  • 20、

    Fish , clam, cuttlefish, shrimp and octopus flavored with white wine and saffron.

    蛤、花枝 、 虾仁 、 蟹肉、章鱼,以鱼汤、白酒与西班牙红花入味.

  • 21、

    This cuttlefish has a horny internal shell like a pen.

