
  • 释义
  • 救济金,施舍物;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Alms were distributed to those in need.


  • 2、

    It was their religious duty to give alms to the poor.


  • 3、

    The Chinese Government never regards aid to other countries as a kind of unilateral alms but as sth. mutual.


  • 4、

    He seldom passed a beggar without offering alms.


  • 5、

    This paper proposes an application level multicast system ( ALMS ) on top of P 2 P network , Pastry.


  • 6、

    Never in his whole life had M. Geborand bestowed alms on any poor wretch.


  • 7、

    The real Buddhism is not temples, or statues of the Buddha, or giving alms, or ceremonies.

    真正的佛法不是寺院 、 佛像 、 供养僧人托钵的食物或是仪式.

  • 8、

    This byelaw encourages citizen alms remains and organ, prohibit remains and, organ.

    该条规勉励人民捐输尸体和器官, 严禁生意尸体 、 器官.

  • 9、

    He has worked hard his whole life collecting alms.


  • 10、

    They had to beg alms in order to feed their children.


  • 11、

    Which can does alms hematopoiesis do a cell?


  • 12、

    Alms ? A word that has no singular because a solitary act of charity doesn't deserve the name.


  • 13、

    They had to beg alms ( of others ) in order to feed their children.

    他们得 ( 向别人 ) 乞求救济来养活孩子.

  • 14、

    Now after many years I came to bring alms to my nation, and offerings.


  • 15、

    Who seeing Peter and John about to go into the temple asked an alms.


  • 16、

    So , I think sense of public and private originates giving alms during primitive society.


  • 17、

    Theirs may be the only offer of alms or employment.


  • 18、

    He gave alms to beggars in the street.


  • 19、

    A person may also give asasshe pleases as voluntary alms or charity.


  • 20、

    Your blood boiling into a destructive heavy alms to rival it!


  • 21、

    Third is zakat ( alms giving ). The poor is the god, a Muslim gives its neediest members.

    三为天课,又称天 谭 制度. 教义认为,穷人是真主的眷属, 把资财施舍给穷人.

  • 22、

    But alms of such things as ye have ; and , behold, all things are clean unto you.

    41只要把里面的施舍给人, 凡物于你们就都洁净了.

  • 23、

    It requires feeling , repression, thus :'The usual crowd of children accosted them for alms.'

    要这么说, ‘ 马路上常见的乞儿向他们乞讨.'”

    ——英汉文学 - 嘉莉妹妹
  • 24、

    Before eating, the guests offered alms to the monks at the nearby temple.

    吃饭前, 客人们给附近寺端的和尚捐赠施舍物.

  • 25、

    In the past, people thought it was their religious duty to alms to the poor.

    过去, 人们认为给穷人施舍是他们的宗教义务.

  • 26、

    I do not give alms; I am not poor enough for that.

    我是不施舍的, 我还没穷到能够施舍给人的地步嘛. (意指越是富人越不愿意施舍)

  • 27、

    The prime minister responded: You don't solve problems with alms.

    总理回应: 用施舍是解决不了问题的.

  • 28、

    KJV Who seeing Peter and John about to go into the temple asked an alms.

