Kikuyu grass ( Pemdsetum dandestinwn ) s native in eastern Africa.
东非狼尾草 ( Pennisetumclandestinum Hochst. exChiov. ) 又名隐花狼尾草,英文名为“Kikuyugrass”,原产于东非.
互联网" We shall live as the Kikuyu were meant to live. "
“ 我们要按照吉库尤人本应该生活的方式,去生活. ”
互联网Most of the victims have been Kikuyu.
互联网Language: English and Swahili are the official language. Kikuyu, Somali and Luo are also widely spoken.
语言: 英语和斯瓦希里语为官方语言. 吉库尤语 、 索马里语和卢奥语也通用.
互联网" Any city is, by definition, European. The Kikuyu do not live in cities. "
“ 任何城市, 从精确的角度来看, 都是欧洲式的. 而真正的吉库尤人不住城市里. ”
互联网Several streets were controlled by crowds of Kikuyu youths armed with clubs , machetes, bows and arrows.
有几条街道被基库尤青年控制着,这些人配备着棍棒 、 弯刀以及弓箭.
互联网" They call themselves Kikuyu, " I said. " That does not make them Kikuyu. "
“ 他们自称是吉库尤人. ” 我说, “ 但那也不能让他们真正成为吉库尤人. ”
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