birds' twitter and fragrance of flowers -- an idyllic scene;Birds sing and flowers give forth their fragrance -- characterizing a fine spring day.;singing birds and fragrant flowers;songs of birds and scent of flowers ;
In spring this convalescent hospital is a good place, with singing birds and fragrant flowers.
——期刊摘选Qifengyidan in scenic, winding mountain road, Greenfield Zhu Yun, Jade, clear spring water, the charming Wild.
景区内奇峰异石, 山路蜿蜒, 松涛竹韵, 鸟语花香, 泉水清澈, 野趣迷人.
互联网Mausoleum of Genghis Khan in the dense jungle, lush herb, flowers.
成吉思汗陵园里丛林茂密, 芳草萋萋, 鸟语花香.
互联网Green trees follower were planted and birds sound can be heard everywhere.
互联网School andare green fiber cotton and ancient trees, flowers, scenery, natural quiet, garden features clearly.
校园碧草纤绵,古木参天, 鸟语花香, 景色宜人, 自然环境幽雅, 园林特色明显.
互联网Wild flowers and old pines the precipice, with birdsamong, form a beautiful scene and vitality.
这里山花古松遮掩着悬崖峭壁, 鸟语花香,生意昂然, 一派秀丽景色.
互联网Here original vegetation intact, shan qing shui xiu , flowers, winding paths, cool weather cents, poetic, fascinating.
这里原始植被完好, 山青水秀, 鸟语花香, 峰回路转, 仙天气爽, 诗情画意, 令人神往.
互联网The gentle feeling lets the human feel free, about probably unrestrained in the fine spring day.
轻柔的感觉让人感到自由自在, 好像无拘无束地徜徉在鸟语花香中.
互联网The green grass is the always spring day.
互联网In spring, tree and grass are vigorous; birds sing and flowers give force their fragrance.
春天的园林里, 草木冥蒙, 鸟语花香.
互联网Miao beneath elegant environment is beautiful, dense shade trees, flowers, also as the Miao Hua Yan.
妙华岩环境十分清幽雅致, 林木荫密, 鸟语花香, 又称妙花岩.
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