question bank ;
Greeks still use some ancient sites, such as the Pnyx and the Theater of Atticus.
希腊仍旧用一些古代场所, 例如普尼克斯山和希罗得.阿题库剧院.
互联网Agencies of standard drafting, personnel service for quiz bank proposition of the written and field tests.
培训职类之技能检定规范制订及学 、 术科题库命制人员服务单位.
互联网Click [ the database - score search ] submenu, get into the search interface of a database score.
点击 [ 题库 —分 数查询 ] 子菜单, 进入题库分数查询界面.
互联网The article introduces technical standard and general ways to construct examination bank in modern distance education.
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