lighting accompanied by peals of thunder;wrathful lightning ;
Driven by the wind , clouds gathered while lightning and thunder clove the air.
风起云涌, 雷电交加.
——期刊摘选The weather changed, and a storm of thunder and lightning ensued.
天气突变, 来了一场雷电交加的暴雨.
互联网There was frequent thunder and lightning, and torrential rain.
——柯林斯例句As the huge clouds rolled up accompanied by thunder and lightning, It'seemed as though we were watching a war of the elements.
乌云翻滚,雷电交加, 我们似乎看到了一场大自然的搏斗.
——《现代汉英综合大词典》At noon the thunder was accompanied by lightning and a fierce gale sprang up.
互联网It is lightning and thundering.
互联网There are a lot of thunder and lightning during the storm.
互联网Housing eyes were smart: You recently bought a house with thunder and lightning Cross not mine?
当前位置:首页>>地方版块>>广州>>搜房精明眼: 近日雷电交加你买的房子防不防雷?
互联网It thundered and lightened that stormy night.
互联网In a splIt'second , thunder roared and lightning flashed and it began pouring.
霎时, 雷电交加,大雨倾盆.
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