
[yīn dào]
  • 释义
  • vagina;shaded road;vagino-;vagin-;cunt ;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    The female reproductive organs are composed of ovaries, oviducts, uterus, cervix uteri, vagina and external genitalia.

    女性生殖器官是由卵巢, 输卵管 、 子宫 、 子宫颈 、 阴道和外生殖器组成.

  • 2、

    There, under the woman's direction, the man begins by inserting the smallest dilator into her vagina.

    在女方的指引下, 男方用最小型号的扩张器插入阴道.

  • 3、

    Objective To investigate the pharmacokinetics of clindamycin phosphate vagina gel in healthy Chinese female volunteers.


  • 4、

    This rupture will produce a flow of clear, water like fluid from the vagina.


  • 5、

    Objective To analyze the etiology and diagnostic methods of vagina bleeding after menopause.


  • 6、

    A cylindrical sex toy, often shaped a penis, used to penetrate the vagina or anus.

    一种圆柱型的性玩具, 外形通常像阴茎, 用来插进阴道或肛门.

  • 7、

    This shows that not all of the outflow from the vagina as the menstrual blood.


  • 8、

    The most common site of the vagina, is a form of postpartum hemorrhage.

    临床最常见的部位为阴道, 属产后出血的一种形式.

  • 9、

    May add on hand movement again, for example caresses bodily other spots or stimulates the vagina.

    再可以加上手部动作, 例如爱抚身体其它部位或刺激阴道.

  • 10、

    Artificial insemination : Introduction of semen a female's vagina or cervix by means other than sexual intercourse.

    人工授精: 不经性交而将精子引进雌性动物阴道或子宫颈内的方法.

  • 11、

    A brownish discharge from the vagina can be disregarded.


  • 12、

    Reporter: No, but there is bleeding seen from vagina since she has menopause for 40 days.

    报警者: 没有, 但阴道有少量出血,流汗,停经40天了.

  • 13、

    Condom off in vagina should take immediate remedial measures to prevent pregnancy.


  • 14、

    Punctate hemorrhages may be visible on the vagina and cervix in 2 %.


  • 15、

    Similarly, the male urethra can be Trichomonas women with the semen into the vagina.

    同样, 男性尿道内的毛滴虫可随着精液进入女性阴道内.

  • 16、

    Both vagina and anus are made to exact life like scale size.


  • 17、

    Endometriosis may even be found at more distant locations such as appendix and vagina.


  • 18、

    We wanted the word Vagina spoken, our womanhood celebrated.

    我们想要说出“阴道”这个词, 我们要庆祝作为女人的身份.

  • 19、

    Didn't seminal fluid shoot the vagina to you can be brought about be pregnant?


  • 20、

    Vaginitis: Inflammation of the vagina.

    阴道炎: 阴道的炎症,一般由感染所致.

  • 21、

    With mounting sexual excitement, a woman's vagina secretes some special lubricating fluid.

    随着不断增强的性兴奋, 女子的阴道会分泌一些特殊的润滑液.

  • 22、

    Did you ever stop to think that maybe your vagina is too big?


  • 23、

    Objective To evaluate of the method and effect of vagina reconstruction with flaps.


  • 24、

    If It'should appear inside the vagina or rectum, it might easily go undetected.

    如果它出现在阴道和直肠的内表面, 则可能会轻易地被漏诊.

  • 25、

    Objective To compare effects of two vagina preparation in complete hysterectomy under abdominoscope.


  • 26、

    Objective To report the method and effect of operation of artificial vagina with sigmoid colon.


  • 27、

    The vagina cleanses itself with its own secretions. It also possesses a special protection against infection.

    阴道以其分泌物来清洁自身, 它还拥有特殊的保护机制来对抗感染.

  • 28、

    Results: It improve the rate of entire abortion, and shorten the time of vagina bleeding.

    结果: 治疗组132例加服催生汤提高了完全流产率, 缩短了阴道出血时间.
