arduous;industrious ;
The schools produced diligent excerpting from older manuscripts, summarizing, and commentaries.
各学院从古代手稿里作了辛勤的摘录 、 总结和评注工作.
——辞典例句He ascribes hellos success to skill and hard work.
互联网The schools produced diligent excepting from older manuscripts, summarizing, and commentaries.
各学院从古代手稿里作了辛勤的摘录, 总结和评注的工作.
辞典例句Jo worked hard and the professor looked after his nephews.
互联网Songs tell about hard work, lost love, bad marriages and bad feelings.
歌曲中表达了辛勤的工作, 逝去的爱, 不幸的婚姻以及糟糕的情绪等诸多主题.
互联网After four years'hard work, he became a rich man.
经过了四年的辛勤的工作之后, 他变成了一位富翁.
互联网Rest yourself after a hard day's work.
辞典例句There is nothing like hard work.
辞典例句Although my father is very old he works very hard.
互联网Next morning the beautiful French landscape, with its fat cows and drudging peasants, was strangely quiet.
次晨,绮丽多姿的法国景色, 以及肥壮的奶牛与辛勤的农民, 显得异样的安静.
辞典例句And it's getting even harder trying'to feed & water my seed plus.
互联网Wherein , into the present happiness, our former generationa painstaking plough.
辛勤的父辈, 把幸福生活开创.
互联网The farmer's toil was rewarded with good crops.
《用法词典》Only by working hard can we reap a bumper harvest.
互联网The farmer acquired a small fortune through hard work.
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