floating clouds and flowing water -- freely flowing style of writing;like floating clouds and flowing water -- natural and smooth ;
Just as introduces and luxuriant set of Taishan.
——期刊摘选His singing was at once poised and youthfully exuberant, his dancing and instinctive.
从一开始,他的歌声就泰然自若、朝气蓬勃;从一开始, 他的舞姿就行云流水、浑然天成.
互联网Modern sculpt of streamline perform the art of kitchen cabinet perfectly.
互联网It also resembles a person doing Taiji shadow boxing.
互联网Light running hand , a kind of ancient Chinese calligraphy, featuring natural and smooth writing.
行书, 一种古代中国书法体, 以行云流水的字体为特点.
互联网Within the dark woods the liquid silver voices of the birds called unceasing.
辞典例句As a Hangyunliushui like notes in the strings broken out ear - piercing sound of Ge, however only.
互联网His style of writing is both smooth, and flowing.
他的字笔势舒展顺畅, 如行云流水一般.
互联网I am usually in a flow state when working.
互联网In his articles and poetry, he pursues shapes and imposing manner of water.
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