
  • 释义
  • [植] nectarine;nectarina ;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Products Overview: Swiss herb candy of original , lemon, menthol taste, Ricola Pearl of blackcurrant, Lemon, strawberry, peach mint taste.

    产品简介: 利口乐天然香草糖原味, 柠檬, 特强薄荷口味, 利口乐香草橡皮珠黑加仑子, 柠檬 、 草莓 、 蜜桃口味.

  • 2、

    Juice: mango juice, peach juice, Liu Chengzhi , crystal grape juice, juice Bale, carambola Zhideng.

    果汁系列有: 芒果汁, 蜜桃汁, 柳橙汁, 水晶葡萄汁, 芭乐汁, 杨桃汁等.

  • 3、

    Trinny: It's made with peach 2 schnapps, vodka, and orange and cranberry juice.

    崔妮: 这是用水蜜桃杜松子酒 、 伏特加, 以及柳橙和小红莓汁调成.

  • 4、

    Accompanied by fruity notes of fresh citrus, melons , peaches, and plums.

    尾香有着清新的果香:柠檬, 蜜桃和梅子.

  • 5、

    I really like your peachy face, shiny eyes and cherry mouth.

    我真的喜欢你蜜桃般的脸, 羞答答的眼睛和樱桃般的嘴.

  • 6、

    Style: Intense oaky aromas and smooth with grapefruit and pineapple fruits.

    风格: 丹宁集中,富含西柚与蜜桃的果香,味觉丰富,口感复杂.

  • 7、

    These just - picked sweet peaches picked will be processed into fruit juice.


  • 8、

    To follow , we'll have peaches and cream, please.

    下一道, 请来个奶油蜜桃.
