bright and colourful;
Formed a shape unique, colorful , full of implications, rich connotations of Chinese traditional auspicious decorative articles.
形成了造型独特 、 绚丽多彩 、 寓意深刻 、 内涵丰富的中国传统吉祥装饰物品.
——期刊摘选I was seeing it all in glorious technicolour: mountains, valleys, lakes, summer sunshine.
柯林斯例句The rooms were painted in glorious technicolour .
《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》Monastery of the Temple mural division, colorful and high artistic value.
该寺各殿壁画,分门别类, 绚丽多彩,有较高的艺术价值.
期刊摘选Search engine visibility can also suffer badly from web designer overkill.
互联网In the evening the rosy clouds were gorgeous.
互联网Adopted with wooden pattern on doors which symbolize colorful life aa beautiful rose flower.
期刊摘选Overall, the stock market Friday disk is colorful a hundred flowers bloom.
整体来看, 周五盘面个股行情是百花齐放绚丽多彩.
互联网The palace pavilion, the garden flowers and trees, cause the entire building to be gorgeous.
殿宇楼阁, 庭院花木, 使整个建筑绚丽多彩.
互联网The rich perfection of Gardencourt at once revealed a world and gratified her need.
辞典例句Love is a many - splendid thing. Love? Lifts us up where we belong.
爱情是一件 绚丽多彩 的事, 爱情把我们提升到属于我们的地方!
互联网SEQUINS DEVICE ATTACHMENT the three choices of 3 m , m , 5 mm and 7 mm make embroidery more beautiful.
金片绣装置3mm,5mm及7mm三种选择, 令刺绣绚丽多彩.
互联网It would make your life full of color, and would drop your life into the hell.
它可以把你的生活装扮得绚丽多彩, 也可以让你的生活跌入地狱.
互联网I expect you appearing to make every day colorful in life.
互联网The more dust particles in the air the more colorful the sunrise or sunset.
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