[计] complex font ;
He practiced writing original forms of characters from a copybook of calligraphy.
互联网Some of the courses are also available in other languages.
互联网Many students can't even read, not to mention write, traditional full - form Chinese characters.
互联网Maximum flexibility between simplified Chinese , traditional Chinese, and English is an essential feature of its production.
使用简体中文, 繁体中文和英文的最大灵活性是本网络产品的本质特征.
互联网In Traditional and Simplified Chinese, each IME may limit its character in some range.
在传统(也就是繁体)和简体中文中, 各个IME( 大概是指各个输入法)会以自己的范围内限制它的字符.
互联网This application contains 2 books in simplified Chinese and traditional Chinese.
互联网Books are all complex font and more than 50 HK dollars prices.
互联网For Traditional Chinese version of the operating system users.
互联网Join! A playful game has only one reason, while a boring game has hundreds.
繁体中文(湾)玩!规则方阵技巧下载! 专案加入!好玩的游戏只有一种理由; 不好玩的游戏却有几百种理由.
互联网Try this, you will automatically switch to imported Simplified English.
试试这个, 自动将你输入的简体转换为繁体.
互联网Use extended Hanzi characters ~~ Check this box if you want to use uncommoned character.
互联网Description: for Traditional Chinese version of the operating system users.
说明: 专供繁体中文版操作系统用户使用.
互联网Economic and Monetary Union, map Traditional Chinese.
互联网Interface of French, English, Simplify Chinese and Traditional Chinese, One keyboard toggle.
德语, 英语, 汉语简体,汉语繁体四种界面, 一键切换.
互联网Tratidtional Chinese are meaningful, beautiful, and elegant.
繁体文是有意义的, 华丽的, 优美的.
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