a lively dragon and an active tiger;brimming with energy;doughty as a dragon and lively as a tiger -- full of vim and vigour;(like) full-spirited tigers;vivid ;
They played with spirit.
——柯林斯例句The lads work with furious energy.
——《现代汉英综合大词典》Abroad, he was brisk and lively , and eager and impassioned enough.
在外边, 他朝气蓬勃,生龙活虎,也相当起劲,相当热情.
辞典例句That child's a real live wire.
辞典例句He was a vigorous animal with a ready understanding.
互联网He is the son of fishermen, long heel Although osteophytes, but playing the ball to dynamic.
他是渔民的儿子, 脚跟上虽长有骨剌, 但打起球来生龙活虎.
互联网Inside afternoon's training, Press is especially bursting with energy, also cannot see his knee the wound.
在下午的训练里面, 普雷斯特生龙活虎, 一点儿也看不出他的膝盖有伤.
互联网Competition dynamic players in the hip - hop music at once the chaos in confusion.
比赛中生龙活虎的球员在 嘻 哈音乐的伴奏下顿时乱了方寸.
互联网Full of vigor and vitality , these young people act without delay.
互联网Like tigers the fighters continued up the cliff.
互联网Mike is not a good student, but on the basketball court he's aball of fire.
迈克不是个用功的学生, 但是到了篮球场上,他却是生龙活虎.
互联网True, talented foreigners often give the impression of being dynamic and game to take on challenges.
不错, 外来人才在人前常常是一副生龙活虎、不是猛龙不过江的英雄气概.
互联网Frost: Ooh! Yeah nice moves just like Bond. He was pretty vigorous last night as well.
米兰达: 哦! 像邦德一样的美丽动作. 他昨晚可是生龙活虎.
互联网He was pretty vigorous last night as well.
互联网Although old, she is very much alive.
虽然老了, 她还是万般生龙活虎.
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