retrieval;retrieve;search;searching ;
Computers can instantly retrieve millions of information bits.
柯林斯例句The shelves and numbers are the storage system. The card indices are the retrieval system.
书架和书号是存储系统, 卡片索引是检索系统.
About Face 3交互设计精髓Keys do not offer descriptions of the plants concerned.
辞典例句It is the responsibility of the subsurface stratigrapher to ferret out from these studies, or materials.
辞典例句Once again , the key is separating the storage and retrieval systems.
About Face 3交互设计精髓I tried googling but couldn't find anything relevant.
《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》As the child gets older, so his or her strategies for storing and retrieving information improve.
柯林斯例句Information can be entered and retrieved extremely quickly.
辞典例句They rate librarianship skills higher than subject knowledge in on - line searching.
辞典例句In the physical world, both the retrieval system and the storage system may be very labor - intensive.
在物理世界中, 检索系统和存储系统都是劳动密集的系统.
About Face 3交互设计精髓Yet, we still use the same old metaphors and retrieval models to manage our data.
但是, 我们仍然使用相同的隐喻和检索模型管理我们的数据.
About Face 3交互设计精髓Instead, we hand the user the storage system and call it a retrieval system.
取而代之, 我们把这个存储系统直接交给了使用者,并把它称为“检索系统”.
About Face 3交互设计精髓A general schematic view of a data storage and retrieval system is given in Fig 1 - 1 .
数据存储和检索系统的总框图见图 1-1.
辞典例句The following listing summarizes the more common retrieval programs.
辞典例句With this information, we can structure storage and retrieval systems that accommodate specific purposes.
有了这些信息, 我们就可以构建存储和检索系统来达到这个特定的目的.
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