temporary storage;
Conveyors & Buffering system : Offer every type for all PCB production line.
传送装置 及 暂存系统: 可提供所有PCB生产线所需的机种.
互联网Starting create CD on - the - fly process in test mode.
互联网Here hop is already proportionally added and the whole is heated up, possibly until boiling temperature.
此时已经适量添加酒花,并加热麦汁暂存罐中的麦汁, 可能要让其达到煮沸温度.
互联网But Intel also reported lower demand for its flash - memory chips.
互联网From the wort holding tank onwards there is a continuous flow through the boiling section.
互联网The wort holding tank receives the first wort from the various filters batchwise.
互联网The number of staging files requested from any inbound partner associated with this replica set member.
互联网Working memory ( or short - term memory ) has been described as the mind's scratchpad.
工作记忆 ( 或 短期 的记忆 ) 已经被描述成是头脑中的一种暂存.
互联网You can leave your luggage at the Left - Baggage room during transit.
互联网Is there a place we can check in our coats?
有暂存大衣的地方 吗 ?
互联网It then reload s register and transfers control to the selected process.
互联网However, only a temporary and custody, not a permanent responsibility.
可是只是暂存和保管, 并不是永久的责任.
互联网Create a new profile from scratch.
互联网Slugcatcher has the functions of separating gas - liquid mixture and storing the liquid separated.
互联网Can I leave my baggage here till noon?
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