the ornamental and the combined plain properties;balance of outward grace and solid worth;be so gentle and refined in manner;simplicity and elegance in harmony;gentle ;
He was urbane, courtly and honorable.
他文质彬彬 、 谦恭有礼、正直体面.
互联网My band director, Virgil a tall heavyset man with dark wavy hair a gentle, winning demeanor.
乐队指挥维吉尔.斯帕林高大魁梧,一头深色鬈发,文质彬彬, 行为举止很讨人喜欢.
互联网Every man is not polite and all are not born gentlemen.
互联网She was a far cry from the elegant girl we used to know.
互联网He is tall, good - looking , fine - boned, educated.
他高高个儿,身材均匀, 长得很漂亮, 文质彬彬.
互联网Those young men all acted with elegant manners.
互联网You can't imagine that a well - behaved gentleman should be so rude to a lady.
令你想不到的是,如此 文质彬彬 的绅士竟会对女士如此粗鲁.
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