safe mode ;
Restart the computer in Safe mode or VGA mode.
——期刊摘选Like electric motor actuators, these are not readily adaptable for a fail - safe mode.
和电动马达执行机构相同, 这种执行机构也不适用于故障安全模式.
互联网If yow need to use safe Mode restart your computer safe Mode.
互联网When that pattern is challenged either it is disregarded or thought creates another pattern of security.
互联网When the Windows Advanced Startup Menu displays, select Startup in Safe Mode option.
当先进窗口启动菜单显示, 选择启动,在安全模式选项.
互联网If you need tou use safe Mode to remove or disable.
互联网In the Startup menu, select Safe mode.
在启动菜单中, 选择安全模式.
互联网Warning! Now SyStem is in safe Mode.
警告! 系统现在运行在安全模式.
互联网Restart your computer press F 8 to select Advanced startup options and then select safe mode.
互联网Security Mode Control ( SMC ) is a security control process of air interface.
安全模式控制 ( SMC ) 是一种空中接口安全控制过程.
互联网Connect a webcam and you have a way to monitor your home using the Security mode.
互联网Security is also considered in PC communication software. Link layer security mode is carried out.
为了保证WPAN内的蓝牙设备通信的安全性, 实现了蓝牙链路层的安全模式.
互联网The orbiter is programmed to go into safe mode when it encounters an unknown event.
互联网If you need to use safe mode to remove or disable components.
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