Student ID ;
Bani has been the school's birthday, or when the password to remember.
互联网Note: Student ID for both domestic and foreign students National Identity Card number for faculty.
注意事项: 学生(含本国与外籍学生)请输入学号,教职员工及眷属请输入身分证字号.
互联网My roll number is 6 and I am in the fourth standard!
电影对白Issue of this study was student information stored in the memory cache.
互联网Students with low numbers! Please get yourselves prepared, it will be your turn soon.
学号靠前的 同学 做好准备了, 就快轮到你们了.
互联网Have the function of adding the number, full name, course achievement of students.
学生管理系统.具有添加学生学号 、 姓名 、 课程成绩的功能,用C++编程.
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