feel just like a fish in water;as a duck takes to the water;as fish getting to the water;as if the fish had got into the water again;like a duck to water ;
In the water, the Aussie swimmers were in their own hemisphere.
一到了水中, 澳大利亚游泳选手就如鱼得水.
互联网Poetry - writing is always a detour, and I either as anas a product.
写诗于我而言永远是在绕弯, 我至今从没体验过什么如鱼得水的感觉.
互联网En chinois , on dit ? A son aise comme le poisson qui obtient de l'eau?
互联网From the physical constraints, I was in physical education on home, ease.
摆脱了体能的约束, 我居然在体育课上混得如鱼得水, 轻松自在.
互联网Make you tolerate world! Smile the Ao river's lake! Like fish let into water!
使您纵容天下! 笑傲江湖! 如鱼得水!
互联网She's a great writer, but can you see her blending in at a sorority?
她文笔不错但你觉得她能在女子联谊会里如鱼得水 吗 ?
电影对白Vance was in his element here, as Hurstwood would have been in former days.
万斯在这种地方如鱼得水, 就像赫斯渥从前一样.
英汉文学 - 嘉莉妹妹Howard dominates at home with 26 points, an astounding 19 rebounds and three blocks.
霍华德在主场如鱼得水,砍下26分, 抓下惊人的19个篮板,以及三个盖帽.
互联网Dennis: Then you're fit in here like aa glove.
丹尼斯: 那麽你在这里一定能如鱼得水.
互联网Positive growth under thirst like a duck to water and started soaring.
互联网He takes to life in China like a duck to water.
互联网He took to his new post like a duck to water.
互联网In this way you may feel like a duck in the water and get with satisfaction.
互联网Prison bullied good, the bad guys are like a duck to water.
监狱里好人受气, 坏人却如鱼得水.
互联网She's to tennis like a duck to water.
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