tea with milk;milky tea ;
Tea processing is simple by brick tea, milk into the Aozhi.
奶茶的加工很简单,是由砖茶 、 牛奶熬制成的.
互联网There are fruit juice, milk tea, coffee, coke cola, beer.
我们有果汁 、 奶茶 、 咖啡 、 可乐 、 啤酒.
——期刊摘选Rene Liu as a cup of tea!
互联网The crux of the problem, we must have good heat, light brown Aocheng to make tea.
最关键的一点, 必须掌握好火候, 使奶茶熬成浅咖啡色.
互联网She like tea with milk.
互联网The Kazakhs treated us to their best cream tea.
互联网This paper studied the processing technology, operating rules and product standard of the ganoderma tea - milk beverage.
研究了以红茶、灵芝、奶粉为主要原料加工奶茶饮料的生产工艺 、 操作要点和产品质量标准.
互联网Do you like tea with milk?
你喜欢奶茶 吗 ?
互联网You can drink tea laced with milk , butter, and grain.
互联网Ice tea is a simple matter, or can be said that perfect match.
奶茶加冰是件简单的事情, 或者可以说是绝配.
互联网Do you mind the AD of Lipton tea with milk which plays on TV recently?
你留意最近电视上播出的立顿奶茶的广告了 吗 ?
互联网That kind of love tea with milk flavor, it is a very ancient pieces of things.
喜欢上奶茶的那股味道, 那是件很久远的事情了.
互联网I like tea with milk.
互联网Renyuan tea the circle has always been good, and also no about the guests.
奶茶在圈内人缘素来不错, 嘉宾自然也不愁.
互联网Fire a family fruit the wheat milky tea store needs the number fund?
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