sit idle and enjoy the fruits of others' work [labour];just sit back and leave others to find a way out;One beats the bush, and another catches the bird.;reap where one has not sown ;
How can one sit idle and enjoy the fruits of others'labour?
《现代汉英综合大词典》Explain what a free rider is and how that concept is related to environmental law.
互联网Don't lazily think to fatten yourself with the dangers and pains of other people.
——期刊摘选One man sows and another man reaps.
互联网Since it convenient, price cheap, secure.
因为它方便, 价格便宜, 坐享其成.
互联网Younger brothersare commonly fortunate, but seldom or never where the elder are disinherite.
还应当注意,子女中那种得不到遗产继承权的幼子,常常会通过自身的奋斗获得好的发展. 而坐享其成者, 却很少能成大业.
互联网One beats the bush , and another catches the bird.
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