compressed files ;
In the PC world, archiving and compression usually happen together by using utilities such as PKZIP.
在PC机世界中, 归档文件和压缩文件通常使用PKZIP应用程序来压缩.
互联网Some files are not text, executable , archived, or compressed.
有些文件既不是文本类 、 可执行类, 也不是归档文件或压缩文件.
互联网This program check zip file type using byte frequency.
——期刊摘选When you download the font it may be in a compressed format, such as a zip file.
To install, unzip the file and go into the folder named " Roots of Yggdrassil "
要安装, 解压缩文件,并进入该文件夹命名为 “ 根Yggdrassil ”
——期刊摘选A computer program for compressing and decompressing files . See ZIP.
互联网In this page, a whole book in compressed format can be downloaded.
在这里, 整本书的压缩文件可以被下载.
互联网Setup will save your system files in a hide, compressed file.
互联网Recovering encrypted files, compressed files and alternative data streams.
康复中的加密文件, 压缩文件和其他数据流.
互联网Compressed file is password complete code, has been tested.
压缩文件的密码完整的源代码, 已经过测试.
互联网Extract files into current directory, named folder, or favorite folder of choice.
解压缩文件到当前目录下, 命名文件夹, 或喜爱的文件夹的选择.
互联网This article presents a class for using PPM to compress a file.
互联网Ziperello is one of key documents for the rehabilitation zip compression tool.
Ziperello是 一款用于恢复zip压缩文件密码的工具.
互联网The compressed file contains threads of control, graphical interface programming java code!
本压缩文件中含有线程的控制, 图形界面编程等java代码!
互联网To the system to provide for the Active Control - extracting file.
该系统提供的主动 控制压缩 文件.
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