hidden but beautiful spot;a world all its own;Here is an altogether different world.;[电影]Holes;
别有洞天,汉语成语,拼音是bié yǒu dòng tiān,意思是指洞中另有一个天地,形容风景奇特或艺术创作引人入胜。出自《山中问答》。
For instance a car up is evildoing, it delays efficiency of the job, influence, cause contradiction.
如能辩证地观察问题,就会别有洞天.比如:--堵车是坏事, 它耽误工作 、 影响效率, 并引发矛盾.
互联网Halfway up the mountain, a cave across the fairy mountains, is JourneyAmazing Caves.
半山腰, 一座横穿仙山的山洞更是别有洞天.
互联网Castle Peak Pinnacle here, blue waves, rugged rock formations, JourneyAmazing Caves.
这里青山叠翠,碧波荡漾, 怪石嶙峋, 别有洞天.
互联网Remnants Boat . After excavation and clearing . the boat - shaped base has been restored to its original form.
别有洞天“活画舫”残迹,其基座用青石雕砌成船舫样式.现经挖掘整理, 增砌石料舫面.
互联网The many different kinds of stalactites , stalagmites, and columns found here are both beautiful and amazing.
有奇形怪状的钟乳石笋和石柱,洞下更有无底洞 、 水池等景观,可以说是别有洞天.
互联网The forest trail, scattered around, take a stroll In the meantime, JourneyAmazing Caves.
林中小道, 错落迂回, 漫步其间, 别有洞天.
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