product function;
Appropriate material selection to align with Medical Devices function . Tracking the status of Medical grade materials.
互联网Interaction designers must translate life goals into high - level system capabilities, formal design concepts, and brand strategy.
交互设计者必须要将人生目标转化为高层次的产品功能 、 正式的设计概念和品牌战略.
About Face 3交互设计精髓All warranty information, product functions and specifications are subject to the change without notice.
所有保修信息 、 产品功能和规范可随时变化,恕不另行通知.
互联网Provide clearance studies, tolerance stacks, packaging layouts etc. to satisfy functional, customer and regulatory requirements.
提供匹配性研究, 误差累计 、 包装布置满足产品功能和客户要求以及法规要求.
互联网Creating scientific and artistic product shape ensured realization the product function and the good human - machine interface .
产品形态创造的科学性与艺术性是产品功能得以实现的必要保证,同时也是形成优良 人机界面 的先决条件.
互联网Establish product function and critical characteristics for the customers 039; application.
互联网Product features refined to make the diversity of needs are met.
互联网Provide high reliability and compatible design concept according to product functional requirements and manufacture cycle.
互联网Though the product provide strong function but have no customized model the user won't satisfied.
互联网Coupled with health care products business mixedmixed , produced identical product features, conceptual confusion.
加之保健品企业鱼龙混杂,良莠不齐, 生产的产品功能雷同, 概念混淆.
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