[化] intermediate product ;
Few of the intermediates or enzymes involved in these conversions have been isolated from higher plants.
辞典例句So far, we have synthesized diacid, which is a very important intermediate product during preparing muscone.
到目前, 我们已经合成了制备麝香酮中重要的一步中间产物十五碳二羧酸.
互联网Dextrin Any of a class of intermediates produced by the hydrolysis of starch.
互联网The joint effects of the intermediate products were mostly additive action. and weak synergistic action.
互联网Homocysteine ( Hcy ) is a kind of sulphur - containing amino acid, the intermediate product of the methionine metabolism.
同型 半胱氨酸 是一种 含硫 氨基酸, 是蛋氨酸代谢的中间产物.
互联网Diglyceride, a kind of metabolic intermediate of oil & fat , can be produced biochemical and enzymatic synthesis.
双甘酯是 油脂 代谢的中间产物, 工业上可以由化学法或生物酶法来合成.
期刊摘选As they eat the nitrates they form nitrites as an intermediate chemical byproduct.
互联网Humic acid is one of important semi - finished products that produced during oxidation degradation of the coals.
互联网An intermediate is formed before the final substance of the experiment took shape.
互联网What is the structure of this intermediate?
互联网It is necessary and possible to develop a Clean Coal Technology CCT.
互联网There are different intermediate products in different phases in lightdegradation process of phenol.
互联网Starting from pentachloropyridine, intermediate product 2, 3, 5, 6 - tetrachloropyridine was prepared by reduction with zinc dust.
以五氯吡啶为原料,通过锌粉还原制备出中间产物2, 3,5, 6- 四氯吡啶, 再由2,3,5,6-四氯吡啶水解, 制备出农药中间体3,5,6-三氯吡啶-2-酚.
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