too many to count;countless;innumerable;The number is beyond counting. ;
Millions of wild flowers colour the valleys, especially in April and May.
柯林斯例句No one can plead ignorance of subject any longer, for there are countless do - it - yourself publications.
现在有关“自己动手”的刊物多得不计其数, 所以谁也不能再推说对某方面的事一无所知了.
辞典例句Besides histories they have many volumes of reminiscences, and biographies without number.
互联网Besides histories, we have many volumes of reminiscences, and biographies with number.
除了历史书籍外, 我们还有不计其数的回忆录和传记.
互联网Below the surface lie vegetable fields, homes and countless agricultural workers.
埋在地表下面的是菜田 、 家园、还有不计其数的农民工.
互联网His voice was already hoarse from countless interviews about FEARLESS.
——期刊摘选I've gone to more meetings and conventions than I possibly can.
辞典例句All are built from numberless atoms, the majority of them united into molecules.
所有的都是由不计其数的原子构成, 其中大多数原子结合成为分子.
——辞典例句It's impossible to put a figure on the number of homeless after the flood.
辞典例句I tried for a while to list the quotations on an interminable amount of stock.
辞典例句Jone lost track of the money he spent at the circus.
互联网Books on this subject are legion.
《现代英汉综合大词典》At the submicroscopic level a gas appears to be an incalculable chaos of flying molecules.
辞典例句Asteroids, also known as " minor planets ", are numerous in the outer space.
小行星, 亦称为 “ 小型行星 ”, 在外太空中不计其数.
《简明英汉词典》In the wartime, countless unnamed soldiers died on the battlefield.
战争年代, 暴尸野外的无名小卒不计其数.
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