希腊字母第6字,小室( zeta的名词复数 );
Being from Orion do Zetas contain DNA from the Reptilian race?
齐塔人是从猎户座而来,DNA来自爬虫族 吗 ?
互联网Why are the Zetas manipulation the Earth's rotation to fool us?
为什么齐塔人要操纵地球的运行,愚弄我们 呢 ?
互联网Per the Zetas, wobble is to blame, no question.
齐塔人说, 毫无疑问, 地球晃动应该为此承担责任.
互联网Zetas have told that the nature cannot influence an orientation choice.
互联网That this excuse would be used was predicted ago by the Zetas.
互联网Per the Zetas , thellos is methane, released during shellofting between rock andaflame as it rises.
按照齐塔的诠释, 这是在岩层搬动时被开释进去的甲烷, 当它上升时发生了点火.
互联网Please do not expect we, the Zetas, to be your short wave radio experts.
互联网The Zetas explain how this is related to current Earth movements, especially in the stretch zone.
齐塔人解释了这种情况怎样与当前的地球运动相联系, 特别在延伸带内.
互联网Will the Zetas show themselves, or would such contact have to happen after the pole shift?
齐塔人会显示自己, 或者说这种接触会在极移之后发生 吗 ?
互联网Was this as claimed, just a test? Per the Zetas, there's more to it.
是否就像宣传的那样, 这只是个测试? 据齐塔人所言, 还有内情.
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