When abstention from theft is perfected, the yogi can have whatever he desires.
当偷窃的观念消除而趋于完美时, 修持者将获得满足.
——期刊摘选To the Yogi everything is bliss.
——期刊摘选Tthat same year I experienced an even more close call with Yogi Chen at Timber Cove!
——期刊摘选Similarly, the yogi must know rupa and nama so he can practice with result.
同样地, 修行者必须先认识身心,才会有结果.
期刊摘选The yogi should eat moderately and abstemiously; otherwise, how ever clever, he cannot gain success.
一个瑜伽行者的饮食应该有节制, 否则即使再聪明, 他也不会成功.
期刊摘选AA yogi should never sit to see sitting rupa, or walk to see walking rupa.
修行者坐著不应该是为了要见到坐的色身, 或走路为了要见到走的色身.
期刊摘选As a Yogi, I insist on separating practice from the daily life.
做为一名瑜伽行者, 我是主张修行与日常生活分开进行的.
期刊摘选A yogi, should master himself eat salutary and moderate food, as well as practice pranayama.
一个瑜伽修炼者, 应该控制自己,饮食有益适中, 练习调息.
期刊摘选A strange figure is revealed , outwardly unprepossessing, untidy , unkempt, he a yogi of transcendent powers.
一个奇怪的现象显示,他虽然表面上不吸引人, 不修边幅, 实际上却是一位有着超越力量的瑜伽修行者.
期刊摘选When this has been accomplished, the Yogi knows himself as he is in reality.
期刊摘选Yogi Berra: Baseball is ninety percent mental. The other half is physical.
期刊摘选Fixing the idea, the yogi can't hear outer information and have no reaction on it.
念头定住后, 耳朵就不再倾听外界的资讯,对外界的资讯也不要起任何反应.
期刊摘选The yogi should talk only when necessary, such as to request a needed item.
修行者只有在必要的时候才说话, 例如请求一件日常用品等等.
期刊摘选If yogi cannot escape these defilements, he cannot go on to higher stages of insight.
如果修行者不离开这些染著, 他就无法进步至更上一层的阶智了.
期刊摘选What is the attitude of a yogi in reading this chapter by Laotse?
作为一个瑜伽行者,我们应该以何种态度来细读老子的这一篇文章 呢 ?
期刊摘选A closer look at the yogi demographics, however , offers clues into purchasing behavior.
进一步来分析瑜伽练习者的统计, 这里有关于购买行为的线索.
期刊摘选In Tibet a great yogi called Milarepa who is respected by all schools in Tibetan Buddhism.
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