A pair of primers derived from this fragment can specifically amplify Yersinia pestis templates.
——期刊摘选Despite this advance, one should still avoid Yersinia pestis like, well, the plague.
尽管有了这些最新进展, 我们还是得像躲瘟疫一样躲着鼠疫杆菌.
互联网Fortunately, today's antibiotics can kill the Yersinia pestis bacteria and save its victim upon early detection.
幸运的是, 今天的抗生素能杀死鼠疫杆菌并挽救其受害者在早期发现.
互联网Objective To explore the sensitivity of Yersinia pestis along Qinghai - Tibet Railway.
目的为了解 青藏 铁路沿线鼠疫菌对抗生素的敏感性.
互联网Bacteria Yersinia pestis were sensitivity to 22 of 26 antibiotics.
互联网Despite this advance, one should still Yersinia pestis like , well, the plague.
尽管有了这些最新进展, 但是我们还是得提防着鼠疫杆菌, 例如瘟疫之类的.
互联网Plague: Infectious fever caused by the Bacterium Yersinia pestis, carried by the rat flea.
鼠疫: 由鼠疫耶尔森氏菌所致的发热性传染病, 通过鼠蚤传播.
互联网Objective Analyse the invaded pathogenesis in Yersinia pestis.
互联网Conclusion The test result can provide scientific evidences for treating Yersinia pestis in the clinical treatment.
互联网Objective To observe the effectiveness of gold immunochromatographic assay for the detection of Yersinia pestis.
互联网A gram - negative bacillus of the genus Yersinia that causes various animal diseases.
互联网This paper summarizes the progress of researches on a variety of molecular typing techniques for Yersinia.
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