Overall, first quarter year - on - year GDP growth line with previous expectations.
总体而言, 一季度GDP同比增速基本符合此前的预期.
互联网Gross margin increased by 1 percentage point year - on - year .
毛利率 同比 上升1个百分点.
互联网Larry's ratings are massively down year on year - and Piers is just the chap.
互联网Unit GDP year - on - year drop 4.59 % energy , cod, sulfur dioxide emissions reduction 4.42 % 5.95 % and respectively.
单位国内生产总值能耗比上年下降4.59%, 化学需氧量 、 二氧化硫排放量分别减少4.42%和5.95%.
互联网On details , food price, the main factor to drive CPI up, increased 20.7 percent year - on - year .
分类别看, 食品价格 同比 上涨20.7%,仍是推升价格的主要因素.
互联网Chinese prices are expected to have risen 2.3 per cent in February, year - on - year .
预计中国2月份价格指数将 同比 增长2.3%,位于路透社(Reuters) 关于中国物价通胀调查预估值区间的中间位置.
互联网Growthhas averaged a strong 27 per cent year - on - year since 2002.
自2002年以来,(上市公司)平均年度 同比 增幅为27%.
互联网Travel is the use of general tax levy year - on - year, first to pay.
车船使用税一般是按年征收, 一次缴纳.
互联网Using simple interest year - on - year, non - compound interest, overdue interest bearing another.
采用单利按年付息, 不计复利, 逾期不另计息.
互联网The average age of first - time mothers , rising year on year, stood at 29.8 years.
互联网Including the cost of building ( year - on - year depreciation ), the management, maintenance charges.
成本包括建筑物 ( 按年折旧 ) 、 管理费用 、 维修费用.
互联网The dead are burried in the desert year on year.
互联网Sales costs and administrative expenses rate was essentially flat year - on - year .
销售费用率和管理费用率 同比 基本持平.
互联网Company profits in 2008 year - on - year revenue growth, become main fan - megawatt class.
公司2008年收入利润 同比 大幅增长, 兆瓦级风机渐成主力.
互联网We set targets for improvement on our own results year on year.
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