yardbird 新兵(限于在军营内活动);
The high optical quality Yb ∶ YAG boules, 76 mm in diameter, were grown by temperature gradient technique ( TGT ).
应用温梯法生长出直径为76mm的 Yb∶YAG 晶体.
互联网The SPM - D 10 YB synchronizer provides automatic frequency and voltage matching using discrete output bias signals.
互联网YB: One gulp per person.
海尔弟弟: 看样子还够一人一口的.
期刊摘选YB: Yes, but they are sculptures.
海尔弟弟: 哦, 这些都是塑像.
互联网The Er - doped or Yb : Er co - doped Al _ 2 O _ 3 films have been prepared by three kinds of technique.
互联网YB type test pressure gauge can woke perfectly in the occasion without corrosion to copper alloy.
互联网YB: So, will it come again?
海尔弟弟: 它, 它还会来 吗 ?
互联网Yb: But this is our last chance! Go!
海尔弟弟: 这是最后的机会了. 嘿!
互联网YB 25 soft packer presented some package problems as incomplete cigarette covering , badly folded foil, etc.
YB25型软盒包装机在生产过程中,烟包经常出现烟支露白 、 铝箔纸折叠不良等质量问题.
互联网The results showed that Yb ( OSO 2 C 8 F 17 ) 3 and C 10 F 18 were the best catalyst and fluorous solvent respec - tively.
研究表明Yb ( OSO2C8F17 ) 3和C10F18分别是最好的氟代催化剂和氟溶剂.
互联网YB: Hey, look at that? What is it?
海尔弟弟: 咦? 看哪!那是什么?
互联网YB: Look, here we are now. The Easter Island !
海尔弟弟: 快看, 我们到了,这就是 复活节岛 了.
互联网Presently there are three ways to obtain 1.5 x μ m laser including Raman shift, Yb : Erglass and optical parametric oscillator.
目前实现1.5xμm 波长激光 输出包括Raman频移 、 Er玻璃激光器以及光参量振荡技术.
互联网YB: Because dolphins are friends of human.
海尔弟弟: 因为海豚是人类的朋友啊!
互联网The present problems of YB _ 1 - 100 vane pump are high noise, large pressure pulse and poor stability.
YB_1—100叶片泵存在噪声高, 压力脉动大,性能稳定性差的问题.
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