罗马数字 14;
Now we are in the Pio - Clementine Museum, founded by Pope Clement XIV in 1770.
互联网Now we are in the Pio - Clementine Museum, founded by the Pope Clement XIV in 1770.
我们现在进入的是由教皇克雷芒十四世于1770年建立的庇护 - 克莱门蒂诺博物馆.
互联网The entire building embodies the Louis XIV pursued by luxury and the noble and dignified.
——期刊摘选Louis XIV had spent much of his long reign fighting expensive wars.
互联网Four - year - old Louis XIV becomes King of France upon the death of his father, Louis XIII.
1643年的今天,4 岁 的路易十四在其父路易十三死后继位成为法兰西的国王.
互联网Article XIV of reaching an agreement through conciliation , mediation agreement should be produced.
第十四条经调解达成协议的, 应当制作调解协议书.
互联网Although he did vigorous daily exercise, Louis XIV only took two baths in his long life.
虽然每天都做剧烈运动, 但路易十四在其漫长的一生中只洗过两次澡.
互联网King XIV, the bridegroom's grandfather, can be seen on the right.
绘图右侧, 可见到新郎的祖父路易十四国王.
互联网Article XIV set up a partnership shall meet the following conditions.
互联网XIV. This agreement shall be in duplicate and each party shall hold one copy.
互联网Was it not Louis XIV, fulfilling the request of Louis XIII?
莫非是执行路易十三遗愿的路易十四 吗 ?
互联网On the wall is a picture of the french king Louis XIV.
互联网He was now in the measures of Lewis XIV.
互联网Microflora of the sour dough of wheat flour bread XIV.
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