(用力)拧( wrest的现在分词 );<文>费力取得;(从…)攫取;( 从… ) 强行取去…;
The amphitheater was a sealed off round structure . Swordplay, wresting, gladiatoral and other contests were held there.
该竞技场为四周封闭式结构,可以举行斗剑 、 格斗 、 斗兽及其他竞赛项目.
《简明英汉词典》A wresting bout consists of two rounds.
互联网The basin is the complex basin with wresting and extending dynamic properties, called as torsion - extension basin.
互联网This paper introduces mechanism and control system of instrument for wresting training.
互联网What kinds of wresting are there?
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