The Evidence - based Worldview is the basis of Naturalism, Humanism, Agnosticism, Atheism, etc.
是自然主义 、 人文主义 、 不可知论 、 无神论等的基础.
互联网We can make a positive difference by exhibiting a Christian worldview.
互联网It can help build a moral or ethical framework, and help oneself form an individual worldview.
阅读还能帮助建立道德的或合乎道德的体制, 帮助人树立个人世界观.
互联网My intellect was on call to expand its worldview - and comprehend.
我的心智是在呼唤扩展它的世界观 — 而理解.
互联网Apologetics confronts the unbeliever's autonomy, and challenges him to be self - conscious about his worldview.
互联网We tend to remember news that accords with our worldview, and discount statements that contradict it.
那些与我们的世界观相一致的消息变得更容易被记住, 而与我们世界观相抵牾的消息则更容易被忘记.
互联网A must - read to understand the traditional Chinese worldview.
互联网China has its own distinct story that shapes its own worldview.
互联网The alternative worldview: abstract universals and abstract particulars.
不信三位一体上帝的世界观 ﹕ 抽象的共相+抽象的殊相.
互联网And so we see how a worldview can impact human behavior.
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