Self - compacting concrete ( SCC ) is a kind of high - performance concrete with high workability.
互联网The effect of fineness of slag on the workability and compressive strength of HSC is tested.
——期刊摘选Excellent workability, recommend to work with water - based silk, matt gloss paint.
涂刷效果超细平滑,纹理极小, 推荐使用于各种丝光、柔光和哑光内墙涂料.
互联网Very slow - grown softwoods have excellent workability.
辞典例句Such high performance concrete aims to have high intensity, workability, volume stability and endurance.
高性能混凝土以高强度 、 高工作性 、 高体积稳定性和高耐久性等技术指标为设计目标.
互联网This new amine cold box binder has been developed to improve workability during core - making.
互联网The influence of shrinkage reducing admixture on autogenous shrinkage, workability and compressive strength was investigated.
文中考察了减缩剂对混凝土自收缩 、 工作性、强度等性能的影响.
互联网Their elastic recovery performance and workability are equivalent.
互联网As a result of poor workability of concrete, easy bleeding isolation.
由于混凝土和易性较差, 易产生离析泌水.
互联网Characteristics Good physical properties, excellent transparence, good melt, good workability, light colors, for extrusion molding.
物性优、透明度佳 、 流动性佳 、 易成行 、 好操作 、 色口浅 、 可挤出成型.
互联网The effectiveness, accuracy and workability of the above - mentioned models have been tested by demonstration analysis.
通过实证分析,检验了模型的有效性 、 精确性和可操作性.
互联网Good workability, good adhesion and high durability.
互联网This article is characterized by the standardization, utilization and workability of the purchasing management.
本文的特点在于强调采购管理的规范性 、 实用性和可操作性.
互联网It can improve the workability, pumping properties and early strength of the concrete.
使混凝土的和易性 、 泵性均得到明显的改善,可提高早期强度.
互联网Characteristics Good melt, controlled viscosity, low melting point, good workability for high - cycle.
流动性佳、粘度稳定度优 、 易加工性优 、 低熔点 、 高周波易裁断、易熔接.
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