Ningxia produces coal, petroleum, mica, asbestos, lime and Chinese wolfberry.
宁夏出产煤 、 石油 、 云母 、 石棉 、 石灰和枸杞子.
——期刊摘选Ingredient: Gingko leaf, wolfberry fruit , chrysanthemum extract a - pinene camphor , borneol camphene, etc totally 26 herbal essences.
主要成分: 银杏叶, 甘杞子, 菊花萃取液等26种植物草本精华.
互联网OBJECTIVE To establish a method for the determination of organchloride pesticides residue in barbary wolfberry.
互联网Bushen some may be more consumption of food, such as Chinese wolfberry, Chinese yam, Guiyuan, walnut.
可多食用一些补肾的食物, 如枸杞 、 山药 、 桂圆 、 核桃.
互联网Ingredients: muffin powder, pine nuts, Kwai melon, Chinese wolfberry, walnuts, cream, maple syrup urine.
材料: 松饼粉 、 松子 、 葵瓜子 、 枸杞 、 核桃 、 忌廉 、 枫糖.
互联网Practice: peanut, soybean milling and drying chopped jujube, Chinese wolfberry remove.
做法: 花生 、 黄豆烘干磨粉与切碎的红枣 、 枸杞拌匀.
互联网Chinese Wolfberry is a famous plant fruit which has three medicinal, edible and healthy values.
枸杞是一种著名的具有药用 、 食用、养生三重价值的植物果实.
互联网Red pines line up with ruddy elms , ho , crimson Chinese wolfberry with scarlet fir.
罗赤松而朱榆兮丹杞而彤杉 ﹒.
互联网Ingredients: milk, Curry Paste , and wolfberry, papaya.
材料: 鲜奶 、 雪蛤膏、枸杞 、 木瓜.
互联网Yinchuan's products , carpet, Chinese wolfberry wine, Helan stone carving and so on.
银川的土特产,有绒毯 、 枸杞酒 、 贺兰石雕等.
互联网Can eating wolfberry lead to beauty?
吃枸杞能美容 吗 ?
互联网OBJECTIVE To test the content of chromium in the fruit of Chinese wolfberry and Liuweidihuangwan.
互联网Agricultural production of wheat, maize, sorghum, and peanut production , Chinese wolfberry, grapes.
农业主产小麦 、 玉米 、 高粱, 兼产花生、枸杞 、 葡萄.
互联网Integripetal rhodiola herb , wolfberry leaves , root skin, black tea and chrysanthemum.
红景天, 天精草,地骨皮, 红茶,菊花.
互联网Chinese wolfberry tea wolfberry tea is also a traditional Chinese medicine.
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