手持着使用(武器、工具等)( wield的第三人称单数 );具有;运用(权力);施加(影响);
The company wields enormous clout in the car market.
——期刊摘选Knight assigned to guard Heigm Castle . Wields a Flame Flail . Was killed by and his battalion.
守卫王都海姆正门的骑士,持有火焰链枷. 死于德尼姆军的攻击下.
——期刊摘选The Churchill Crocodile wields a 6 Pounder gun and a fearsome flame projector.
——期刊摘选Mr Bakrie rejects any suggestion that he wields undue influence.
互联网The trustee wields the management decision - making and the business execution in the joint - stock company.
互联网I gently walked, wields sprinkles a piece of colored smoke trail knitting the garland!
轻轻的我走了, 挥洒一片彩色拉烟编织的花环!
期刊摘选Who wields power is not important, provided that the hierarchical structure remains always the same.
由谁掌握权力并不重要, 只要等级结构保持不变.
英汉文学A lumi wields a golden morningstar with trained ease as it wades into melee.
互联网And he wields the tooth of a venomous snake.
期刊摘选Atlantis astronaut John Grunsfeld wields a specialized power tool on the mid - deck of the space shuttle.
亚特兰蒂斯宇航员格伦斯菲尔德挥舞约翰对 中期 的航天飞机甲板专业电动工具.
互联网It is said that he who wields Akujiki, wields absolute power.
有人说谁拥有了它, 就可以完全拥有它的力量.
互联网Whenever the boss wields a big stick, productivity actually falls because people resent It'so much.
每当老板挥舞大棒时, 生产力实际上就下降,因为人们对此极其不满.
互联网Yet one of these groups is a minority, while the other wields real power.
少年属于少数族裔, 警察则握有实权.
互联网She wields a ship's anchor as a weapon.
互联网He wields self badminton speciality, drives carrying out that school and the community badminton move.
他运用自己的羽毛球特长, 推动学校和社区羽毛球运动的开展.
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