小器具,装饰品,窗口小部件( widget的名词复数 );
Tk includes buttons, menus, scroll bars and other graphical widgets.
Tk包括按纽 、 菜单 、 滚动条和其他的图形小玩意.
互联网Enable Widget: Enable form widgets like a drop list or text field.
使部件有效: 使窗体部件有效,例如下拉列表框或文本框.
期刊摘选Our clients an inelastic demand for widgets.
互联网Multiple widgets can be selected, moved and sized at one time.
多个部件可以同时选择, 移动和调整尺寸.
互联网Ook voegt HTC eigen gratis widgets aan de Android Market coals Parkingtimer, Translator en een ringtone - widget.
它还增加了宏达自己的,自由的部件,如机器人市场停车计时器, 翻译部件和铃声.
互联网What is the supply elasticity of our widgets?
互联网Buttons, menus , scroll bars, and frames are all examples of widgets.
互联网We can provide a balloon help for any of our widgets.
互联网Drag widgets onto the wireframe pane to design your page.
互联网Create visual elements such as icons, borders, custom widgets, window treatments, and graphical layouts.
生成视觉元素比如icon, 边框, 用户控件, 窗口规范, 图形化的布局.
互联网Don't just stick the word widgets into the text.
互联网The successful person gets the approach: Learn from past widgets and do adonlyments in future behavior.
大凡胜利的人都会采取这种作法: 从过去的错误中吸取亲身历练教训,并为将来的行为作适当的调整.
互联网Already have one of our widgets on your site?
互联网Editing text and formatting the menu and menu items is similar to other widgets.
互联网Dynamic Panels are widgets that allow you to demonstrate dynamic functionality in your prototype.
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