The drama played out in a nest of bald eagles a webcam.
互联网John McClane : [ after covering a webcam ] Freddy, can you trace these guys?
约翰·迈克莱恩 (盖上了摄像机之后 ): 弗莱迪, 你能追踪到这些人 吗 ?
互联网Her webcam ran a direct feed into this Web site.
电影对白Connect a webcam and you have a way to monitor your home using the Security mode.
互联网All you need is broadband, a webcam and the latest version of Microsoft MSN Messenger.
所需的仅仅是一条宽带, 一个视频摄像头,最新版的微软MSN信使软件.
期刊摘选If you a Webcam of your own, the site also accepts submissions.
如果你有网路摄影机你们自己的, 该网站还接受了意见书.
互联网TV 902 drivers: USB Modem, Webcam, Mass Storage complete code, has been tested.
TV902车手: USB调制解调器, 摄像头, 大容量存储完整的源代码, 已经过测试.
期刊摘选Do I need to start carrying around a webcam from now on?
电影对白According to the theoretical studies above, a prototype system of WebCAM has been established.
在上述理论研究的基础上, 本文建立了WebCAM的原型系统.
期刊摘选The webcam conversation has ended. You can no longer see % 1.
期刊摘选Webcam of the deck and back yard at our home Cotton Mill Drive in Woodbridge VA.
期刊摘选As evidence, the school district presented a photograph taken from the webcam embedded in the laptop.
作为证据, 学区提供了由笔记本电脑摄像头拍摄的一张照片.
期刊摘选Arsenal PLUS subscribers can watch events on Avenell Road via our exclusive webcam.
期刊摘选A look at the webcam archives pulls this up at January 6, 2005, 11:03 a.m.
查看拍片现场的网络摄影存档, 可知时间是2005年1月6日上午11:03.
期刊摘选You cannot have a webcam conversation and a video conference at the same time.
期刊摘选The webcam also be viewed on a standard pc.
期刊摘选Free register, and you need a webcam for take picture.
免费注册, 同时你需要有网络摄像头来拍摄相片.
期刊摘选Example Signature Recognition with capability to access webcam logitech pro 5000.
期刊摘选The webcam conversation has ended. % 1 can no longer see you.
期刊摘选For example, the computer that prints the insurance cards has a Webcam on it.
例如, 计算机打印的保险卡上有一个摄像头.
期刊摘选Set up a page to continually display your latest webcam image.
期刊摘选B: Does Yahoo Messenger have the function of voice or webcam?
雅虎信使有语音和网络视频功能 吗 ?
期刊摘选Kicked: You were disconnected from the room because this room requires a webcam.
踢出: 你被从房间断开,因为这个房间需要一个摄像头.
期刊摘选Cheese. Got a webcam? This will activate it and add special effects if you desire.
你有摄像头 吗 ?这个程序可以启动它,如果你需要的话还可以添加一些特效.
期刊摘选Ah ja, buy another webcam with microphone, and another USB, and maybe a scale in bathroom?
6对了对了, 还要再买一个带麦克的摄像头, 再买一个U盘, 也许再买个浴室体重秤?
期刊摘选MediaDirect, Power, Webcam buttons, and status LEDs.
MediaDirect,电源, 摄象头按钮, 和状态灯.
期刊摘选Line Tracking source using webcam complete source code can be directly used by the test.
期刊摘选On the rush over, time suddenly freezes as the webcam falls off the tripod head.
就在我一路猛冲时, 时间突然凝固了——网络相机从三脚架上掉了下来.
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