The number of the bill of lading, air waybill or delivery order relating to the article.
关乎所涉物品的提单 、 空运提单或出货单的编号.
互联网This Air waybill shall be binding on us when the shipment is accepted.
互联网Is divided into air waybill, land and maritime bill of lading bill of lading.
其实是分为空运提单, 陆运提单和海运提单的.
互联网Write Saturday Delivery in the Special Instructions box on your UPS Waybill.
互联网Waybill is the document giving details and instructions relating to a shipment of goods.
互联网Waybill — A document giving details and instructions relating to a shipment of goods.
互联网All Terms and Conditions on the back of each Shipment Waybill shall apply to all shipment.
互联网On the delivery , receiver is asked to sign the waybill with regular script.
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