To propel ( a watercraft ) with paddles or a paddle.
用浆划动用船桨推动 ( 船只 )
期刊摘选The paper analyses the factors that influence the reliability of fire alarm system in watercraft.
互联网Design, manufacture, building or preparing watercrafts , metallic member , selling materials and steels of watercraft.
设计 、 制造 、 修造船舶、金属构件 、 销售船舶材料及钢材.
互联网The old sailor was respected because of his experience with watercraft.
互联网The most severe threat to watercraft formation is anti - ship missile under high - technology war conditions.
现代高技术战争条件下补给及战斗保障船艇编队的最大威胁是 反 舰导弹.
互联网See a 1930 s sawmill and exhibits on shipbuilding, watercraft restoration and marine engines.
领略一家1930年的锯木厂以及造船业, 船只修复和船用柴油机的展览.
互联网He won the first prize by his outstanding watercraft at swimming.
互联网To convey in a watercraft propelled by paddles.
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