But attackers searching for vulnerabilities in Microsoft products as active as ever, he said.
但是,攻击者在搜索微软产品的漏洞是以往一样活跃, 他说.
互联网But hackers may also discern vulnerabilities in computer systems and inflict damage.
互联网This information enables the attacker to target known vulnerabilities in these components.
互联网However, Unix and Windows NT each has its share of security lapses and known vulnerabilities.
但是, Unix和WindowsNT各有自己安全上的疏漏和众所周知的脆弱性.
互联网We are all fragile, he thought , and Emma has her vulnerabilities too.
我们都很脆弱, 艾玛也有她的弱点, 乔思量着.
互联网ISS specializes in software, appliances and services that help It'shops monitor and manage network vulnerabilities.
国际空间站的专门软件, 家用电器和服务,帮助它店监测和管理网络的脆弱性.
互联网Zero - day vulnerabilities are critical threats, and they genuinely require immediate attention.
零日缺陷是致命威胁, 并且它们确实需要立即注意.
互联网This board still has a few security vulnerabilities. Can you spot them?
这个公告板还有几个安全漏洞. 你能找出来 吗 ?
互联网So, dig deeply vulnerabilities and improve precision of scan becomes the soul of scanning the system.
因此, 挖掘深化漏洞,提高扫描精度成为扫描系统的灵魂.
互联网In computer security, a technique in which certain vulnerabilities are made attractive to a potential attacker.
在计算机安全学中, 一种以某些弱点来吸引潜在攻击者的技术.
互联网Combining dynamic analysis and static analysis, it makes further detection of buffer - overflow vulnerabilities.
互联网These vulnerabilities, of course, have not been unique to Darfur.
当然, 这些脆弱的状况并非只出现在达佛.
互联网A probing attack can use error messages generated by an application to search for security vulnerabilities.
互联网You must have reviewed the package for known security vulnerabilities and must provide patches for them.
互联网A lack of clarity yields confusion, and this breeds vulnerabilities.
不清楚就会产生混乱, 也就会引起安全隐患.
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