Filling bentonite composition had little effect on the velocity of vulcanization.
互联网A method of preparing deformable polydimethylsiloxane sheet culture substrates by oxygen plasma vulcanization was developed.
互联网For the disadvantage and shortage, the four - location field pump rubber stator injection - vulcanization unit is newly designed.
针对其存在的缺点与不足, 全新设计了四工位油田螺杆泵橡胶定子注射硫化机组.
互联网As compared with other methods, visco - elastic measurement was andreliable inthe degree of co - vulcanization.
通过分析比较认为, 粘弹谱仪法是测定并用硫化胶两相交联程度的简便可大方法.
互联网The worldwide developing trends of rubber vulcanization accelerator were presented.
互联网The vulcanization accelerator system for neoprene is studied in this paper.
互联网Dosage and vulcanization condition is the same as 4010 NA antiager.
互联网The formulation, vulcanization and property of polyether rubber modified by silicone are described in this paper.
本文介绍了有机硅改性聚醚橡胶配方 、 硫化及性能.
互联网This study is useful to some extent for designing movable - plate of plane vulcanization machine.
互联网Dynamic - vulcanization PP composites were prepared with twin - screw extruder and dynamic - vulcanization technology.
互联网The dynamic vulcanization conditions also had great influences on the properties of blending system.
互联网FT - IR analysis confirms that NaAA formed in the process of compounding and underwent polymerization during vulcanization.
互联网Vulcanization is generally considered to be an irreversible process.
互联网The production of vulcanization cloth rubber overshoes has important place in entire plant.
互联网The vulcanization mechanism , composition , application of addition type liquid silicone rubber are reviewed.
介绍了液体硅橡胶的成型工艺 、 成型设备及其特点.
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