Immunohistochemical staining showed cytokeratin ( CK ), epithelial membrane antigen ( EMA ), vimentin ( Vim ), S - 100 was positive. Conclusion : Epithelioid sarcoma is an unusual malignant tumor.
免疫组化示细胞角蛋白 ( Cytokeratin, CK ), 上皮膜抗原 ( epithelialmembraneantigen,EMA ), 波形蛋白 ( vimentin, Vim), 和S -100 蛋白(S-100 ) 阳性.
互联网The majority of carcinoma cells were CK, EMA, Vimentin positive, p 53 weak positive and CD 68 negative by immunohistochemical staining.
癌细胞免疫表型CK 、 EMA 、 Vimentin阳性,CD68阴性, P53弱阳性.
互联网Immunohistochemical stains were positive for Vimentin, Keratin and EMA to a certain degree.
免疫组织化学对波形蛋白(Vimentin) 、 角蛋白(Keratin)和上皮腺抗原(EMA)呈不同程度阳性反应.
互联网ILK, α - SMA and Vimentin in renal tubular epithelial cells were detected by immunohistochemistry analysis.
互联网EPM cells were anti - HNK - 1 , S - 100 , vimentin positive and anti - CK negative.
免疫荧光显示细胞HNK -1 、 S -100 、 波形蛋白标记阳性,角蛋白标记阴性.
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