By freezing chitosan - gelatin complex induced phasic abruption, the porous and ventilative sponge of chitosan - gelatin was made.
通过冷冻壳聚糖 - 明胶共混液诱导相分离的方法,可以制成多孔性、亲水性 、 透气性良好的海绵状伤口敷料.
互联网The said ventilative travelling shoes have features of good permeability and heat dissipating property.
互联网This product is light, comfortable, sucks the sweat, ventilative and of good performance.
本产品轻便 、 舒适 、 吸汗 、 透气性能好.
互联网Oak ventilative characteristic could mae liquor mature and sawry in a very short time.
互联网It is the combination of rigidity and ventilative degree very much.
互联网Ventilative and waterproof; Patient's head need not to be covered completely. Only wearing operation - cap is enough.
透气防水, 患者无需包头, 只戴手术帽即可.
互联网Expanded mesh, made ba cutting and drawing of fine steel, is beautiful, light and ventilative.
钢格网系选用优质钢材切拉而成, 具有外型美观 、 轻便、通风等优点.
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