The full bodied palate abounds with soft creamy varietal fruit flavours and refreshingly crisp acidity.
——期刊摘选Grace 2008 Cabernet, $ 10: Thin, with no varietal character.
怡园2008赤霞珠, 售价10美元: 口味单薄且没有葡萄品种的特性.
互联网An opulent, flamboyant wine with definitive varietal characters.
——期刊摘选Cabernet Sauvignon and Cabernet Franc grapes vinified to obtain a young wine with varietal character.
——期刊摘选It has medium body with concentrated varietal fruit flavours.
互联网Even in quality sparkling wines and French Champagne, it is the major varietal used.
甚至在一些优质的起泡酒和法国香槟产区, 霞多利是被广泛种植的酿酒葡萄品种.
互联网The palate is concentrated and complex with ripe fruit, spicy varietal overtones and lingering fine finish.
互联网Apparently, there are specific and varietal differences in tolerance of citrus trees to thevirus infection.
互联网A fresh vibrant wine displaying varietal characters of peach and pineapple.
互联网The difference in the response of yield components to fertilizer among rice varietal types was studied.
互联网The aroma is fresh and clean with well - defined gooseberry - like varietal characters.
互联网It is a wine with resonant varietal fragrances and an elegant, and extremely well - rounded taste.
汇集了各种葡萄品种特有的芬芳,酒质清新优雅, 口感十分圆润.
互联网The palate is full bodied with varietal flavours, integrated oak and fruit tannins.
该酒口感丰富, 具有独特的橡木桶味和丹宁酸.
互联网Varietal fruit palate layered with complex black berry flavors, chocolate, and spices with lingering oak sweetness.
丰富的水果香气混合着黑醋栗 、 巧克力 、 香料及橡木甜甜的味道.
互联网All our wines have only light filtering, and consequent loss of varietal fruit.
所有的葡萄酒只轻微过滤, 避免过度压榨,以保持足够的果香.
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