Does the varicocele use traditional Chinese medicine to be able to administer well?
精索静脉曲张用中药能治好 么 ?
——期刊摘选Potential complications from an inguinal incision for varicocele repair include scrotal numbness and prolonged pain.
互联网The potential complications of varicocele repair occur infrequently and are usually mild.
互联网Methods: 34 cases of spermatic varicocele were treated with video laparoscopic technique and the transperitoneal approach.
方法: 利用电视腹腔镜技术,经腹腔径路行精索静脉高位分离、结扎术.
互联网Objective To evaluate the effects of internal vein ligation in the treatment of varicocele.
互联网Objective To evaluate the effects Aescuren ○ R forte on varicocele.
互联网Objective To investigate the relationship between varicocele and hemodynamic change of oppressed left renal vein.
互联网There are many different theory of the pathogenesis of varicocele causing male sterility.
互联网Conclusion: AFV is the important cause of the recurrent varicocele.
结论: AFV为精索静脉曲张复发的主要原因.
互联网Renal cell carcinoma ( RCC ) is potential to involve venous sys - tem and to result in acute varicocele.
互联网Objective To study male infertility � � s mechanism caused by varicocele.
互联网Result: The presence of aberrantly fed varicocele ( AFV ) was discovered in 35 cases.
结果: 35例均发现有迷走血管供血,为迷走供血性精索静脉曲张 ( AFV ).
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